Established 1972, we are the oldest Troop in the town of Parker.
High Challenge * High Discipline * Boy-Owned * Advancement Driven

Troop 16 Loves Adventure

Challenging Opportunities
We are always challenging ourselves to climb peaks, build snow caves, trek at high altitudes, compete, and, as a result, learn to be extraordinary leaders.
We are always on the go! Every one of our monthly camps delivers a high degree of challenge, whether it is snow caves in sub-zero temperatures, climbing Colorado’s Fourteeners, competitions, or learning survival skills.
In addition, we offer a wide variety of just-for-fun activities throughout the year — whether it’s game night, a family pool party, canoe days, rock climbing, or shooting sports.

As a new Scout, you will be working with older boy-leaders, Troop Guides, and adult leaders on basic skills – cooking, knots, camping, pioneering, first aid, and orienteering. It is our goal to provide opportunities enabling boys to achieve First Class Rank by the end of their first year.
From there, you’ll work on Leadership Skills, Community Service, and Merit Badges (120+ to choose from) as you climb the ranks to Star, Life, and Eagle.
We are big enough to run our own Merit Badge Colleges with our 30+ Counselors.

Camping, Camping and More Camping
We camp every month (except December, when we have a lock-in) and our calendar is filled with high challenge, high adventure, and lots of fun!
Here’s a sample of campouts and Events
Adventure Race – our signature themed outdoor adventure competition
Ice Climbing
Great Sand Dunes – camping and backpacking
Survivor Challenge – annual troop competition where teams build shelters, cook, and thrive using only the things they find around them.
Summer Camp – a full week of camping, fun activities, and rank advancement.
14er Climb

Youth Lead
We are uncompromising about boy leadership. Our boy leaders set our annual calendar, run meetings, plan & lead activities, and teach. Learning to teach is a crucial part of the T16 experience. Moreover, T16 is a leadership growth focused– trying things, making choices, failing, and succeeding.
Our young leaders are supported by the T16 Mentorship Program that helps boys grow in their individual leadership roles. Assistant Scoutmasters are assigned to each youth leader As a result, they get real coaching and experience that stays with them for life.
And…we are closely aligned with BSA’s National Youth Leadership Training (NYLT) and Intro to Leadership Skills for Troops (ILST).

National High Adventure Trips
These are open to scouts 13 or 14+ years of age and First-Class Rank, and rotate locations from year to year
Northern Tier Canoe Base in Minnesota for 7 days of canoeing, learning, and scout fun!
Sea Base in the Florida Keys – choose from adventures including snorkeling, scuba diving, sailing, and fishing.
Philmont Scout Ranch – premier mountain backpacking program in the mountains of New Mexico.

Adult Supported
Our Scouters are dads, moms, uncles, grandfathers, and grandmothers. We have many committed Assistant Scoutmasters and Scouters that support our program. And we have a dedicated Troop Committee of volunteers that run the behind-the-scenes business of the troop (making reservations, understanding safety and travel, etc.) so that the boys can focus on delivering a solid program and creating a fun and engaging environment.
You are invited to a troop meeting.
We hope to see you there!
- Tuesday Nights from 7pm – 830pm
- Parker United Methodist Church (Unaffiliated)
- Fourth Tuesday of Every Month is Patrol Leadership Meeting and Troop Committee Meeting.

Long History of Scouting in Parker
- We are Parker’s oldest troop, founded in 1973, and we have celebrated over 200 scouts that have achieved the rank of Eagle. We are about helping boys become well-rounded, capable young men with a strong sense of community and the self-assurance that can only come from learning through leadership. We are a Boy-Owned Troop that believes in High Levels of Challenge, A High Degree of Discipline, and supporting Scout Advancement.

“A Scout is never taken by surprise; he knows exactly what to do when anything unexpected happens.”
Cost of the Program
We do not have monthly or annual dues. We work hard to keep the cost of our monthly program low so every Scout can participate. Our monthly campouts have a normal cost of $25/person, food included.
Each boy can expect to pay a one-time new member fee of $25, and about $80 annually to the council for their membership in BSA and Scout’s Life magazine subscription, Adults pay $60 annually (all of this goes to Council). Occasionally, there are small fuel charges for distant campouts. Summer Camp and High Adventure Camps/Activities are at cost and are very reasonable.
To make this possible, we run three fundraisers each year and expect every Scout and family to contribute to their success: Grounds maintenance at the Parker Days Festival, Popcorn and Camp Cards; combined, we are blessed to be able to raise enough money to cover our operations. In addition, we have created personal Scout Accounts that can be used to pay for Scouting Activities.
Scan to register:

Nico Aldrich
(321) 312-8300
Blaise Singer
Committee Chair
(720) 256-0560